Yoga And Wellness Studio

What we do Story about us

We are a group of dedicated yoga practitioners eager to share teachings of traditional Hatha Yoga. We strive to guide an intelligently structured yoga practice that focuses on postures aligning with breath, and that prepares the student to sit in stillness and rejoice in the sweetness of meditation.

“The breath is the primary tool through which you will be able to access what’s actually happening in your body. It’s the primary tool to activate change in your structure at a deep level, and it’s the primary tool to link your conscious awareness to the process of change. So think of the breath as an internal flashlight, microscope, viewfinder, that helps you discover what’s going on.” ~ Gary Kraftsow

We teach yoga as an inclusive path for transformation of Body, Mind & Spirit, that prepares you on the mat to succeed and thrive out in the world. All our teachers are Certified and have years of experience both practicing and teaching yoga in group and private settings. We welcome the opportunity to have you in a group class or work with you privately to customize a practice that supports your Physical, Emotional & Energetic goals.

We work with Varied Courses

Hatha Yoga

Hatha yoga is a branch of yoga that emphasizes physical exercises to master the body along with mind exercises to withdraw it from external objects. The word haṭha means "force" in Sanskrit, and may have this association because the early Indians believed that its practice was challenging and "forced its results to happen" on the yogi. The term "Hatha yoga" connotes a system of supplementary physical techniques within the broader concept of Yoga.

Vinyasa Yoga

Vinyasa is a style of yoga characterized by stringing postures together so that you move from one to another, seamlessly, using breath. Commonly referred to as “flow” yoga, it is sometimes confused with “power yoga“. Vinyasa classes offer a variety of postures and no two classes are ever alike. The opposite would be “fixed forms” such as Bikram Yoga, which features the same 26 postures in every class, or Ashtanga which has the same sequence every time. The variable nature of Vinyasa Yoga helps to develop a more balanced body as well as prevent repetitive motion injuries that can happen if you are always doing the same thing every day.

Sivananda Yoga

Sivananda yoga, after teachings of Swami Sivananda, is a non-proprietary form of hatha yoga in which the training focuses on preserving the health and wellness of the practitioner. The Sivananda training system aims to retain the vitality of the body and decrease chance of disease, by simply and naturally cultivating the body. The system philosophies are summarized in 5 principles.

  • Proper exercise: Asanas
  • Proper breathing: Pranayama
  • Proper relaxation: Savasana
  • Proper diet: Vegetarian.
  • Positive thinking and meditation: Vedanta and Dhyana

Yin Yoga

Yin yoga is a slow-paced style of yoga with postures, or asanas, that are held for longer periods of time—for beginners, it may range from 45 seconds to two minutes; more advanced practitioners may stay in one asana for five minutes or more. Yin yoga poses apply moderate stress to the connective tissues of the body—the tendons, fascia, and ligaments—with the aim of increasing circulation in the joints and improving flexibility. A more meditative approach to yoga, yin aims at cultivating awareness of inner silence, and bringing to light a universal, interconnecting quality.

APM Yoga

As the acronym suggests APM is the thoughtful combination of Asana, Pranayama, and Meditation. It is a prudent blend of above three to achieve the desired objectives in case of a practitioner. The APM enables an instructor to choose such asanas, breathing techniques and systems of meditation as are suitable to enhance the strength, stamina, harmony, and calmness for the practitioner.

Core Hatha

HATHA CORE are balanced Hatha Yoga classes with a specific core focus. Physically, your core is your power centre: it is the area of your abdomen, back, buttocks, upper hamstrings, pelvic floor, and hip flexors. Learn how each posture can be a “core” posture and how moving at a slower pace can help build core strength, awareness and stability. Explore how breath can support and strengthen the core as well.


This course is designed to immerse students in the intensive and spiritual teachings and practices of traditional Hatha yoga – focusing on breathing, awareness, meditation and Practical philosophy to help you live a less stressful, contented and harmonious daily life. You will gain a professional yoga teacher’s qualification recognized by Yoga Alliance. This course, and the qualification you will gain, will give you the skills and experience to start teaching yoga professionally. , the course will help you to lead a healthier and more spiritual life in accordance with your true nature. We are recognized by Yoga Alliance in the USA and Canada as RYS (Registered Yoga School) and our our team has great yogacharya, psychologist, philosophers are too. This allows you to use our certificate for insurance and taxation purposes and with your certificate you can register as a RYT 200 teacher for your career and job opportunities. Read More

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Who we are Meet our team

Our certified yoga teachers have the knowledge and the experience to enhance your time on the mat.

"I started my yoga practice when a friend suggested me to try Iyengar yoga class in koramangala in 2011 .I had no knowledge of yoga actually .I was always in fitness regime my favourite was jogging and aerobics. Yoga classes would help me to relax and de-stress after jogging and aerobics. I had constant thought of achieving or doing something in life rather than being just a home maker .So my passion for fitness made me think of becoming a yoga teacher .I was not sure if I could actually become a teacher. But thanks to yoga .It has helped me overcome all my weakness and gave me confidence, strength in all ways physical,spiritually and emotionally. I have overcome all challenges. I did my TTC 200 and RPYT in 2013.Also did RPYT (Prenatal Yoga) . My practice has deepened my yoga experience of spirituality and feel connected to all beings . Yoga is everything for me .My inward journey has began . Only way out is in."


Hatha Yoga Instructor

"Ramya first stumbled across yoga when the company she was working at introduced lunch-time yoga classes for its employees and was captivated from her first class itself. She studied Computer Science and worked in the animation industry for a while, but a restless search for something more slowly led her through a variety of different hobbies and fields of study. In the midst of this rollercoaster, yoga gave her a calm, steady inner self. Her curiosity eventually led her to the RYT 200 Teacher Training Course, where she started developing a deeper understanding of yoga. She understands the huge role yoga can play in physical and mental health and fitness and that reflects in her classes. Her classes go along the lines of her personal Sadhana so she can draw upon her own experience and insight to achieve a balance between what her students need and what they want. Her goal is to help practitioners explore their own yoga practice and use it to connect with their body, mind, and breath. Yoga, she believes, is the path to a happier self and a deep sense of well-being and peace. Apart from yoga, Ramya's interests include theatre, literature, and writing. She has a passion for music and spends hours playing and listening to music. She also loves traveling and is an avid trekker and photographer."

Ramya Pillutla

Hatha Yoga Instructor

"Carolyn is a graduate in Commerce and after a short stint in the corporate world, developed a deep passion for yoga. She is an internationally certified instructor from Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center and completed her Teacher Training Course from Sivananda Ashram in Neyyur Dam. Carolyn has always had a love for sports and movement and was a district level athlete in her school days. Initially drawn to yoga for its physical benefits, what made her fall in love with yoga were the immense mental and spiritual benefits derived from regular practice. She enjoys teaching all levels of students in Sivananda and Hatha Yoga."

Carolyn Theresa Simon

Hatha Yoga Instructor

"Nilam is a highly energetic, enthusiastic and dependable individual, dedicated to providing the yoga education and care to people. She is a post graduate in psychology. Since her childhood, she has affection for Yoga and sports. She had attended various Yoga workshops and training courses during her school and college days. Later she adopted passion for Yoga as her profession and now she has a 10+ years of experience of teaching Yoga in various Schools, Ayurveda Clinics, Yoga centers, corporates & apartments. She possess PGDYT degree in Yoga Therapy and holds various international certificates like YIC from SVYASA, 200 TTC from the “1000 Yoga”, Yin-Yoga from the Aayana, Ashtanga residential 200 TTC from “Ashtanga School of Mysore” etc. She also owns certificates till level 3 of Yoga for special kids from “Prafull Oorja”. She is earnest for alternate therapy through spirituality and does practice as a Pranic Healer after gaining various certifications in this field from “Yoga Vidya Pranic Healing Foundation of Karnataka”. Nilam continues to work on her mission of spreading out ancient and Vedic techniques of Yoga & Pranayama; and with help of them she helps to improve mental, physical and spiritual health of people."

Nilam Pandya

Hatha Yoga Instructor

What we do Gallery

Your experience should be enriching on spiritual and physical levels, and you can even meet some new yogi friends! Browse our photos to get a feel for what a yoga class at Happyloka Wellness and Yoga Studio is like.

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